Poultry >> Drinking Systems >> Layers
Circulation Drinking System
for Cage free Layers
With the circulation Drinking-System for cages or aviary the benefits of this watering system, as in the Twin Clean Line for floor management, also implemented in the cages or aviary.
Your advantages at a glance:
• No standing water in the drinking line
• Even water temperature throughout the drinking line
• Even distribution of vitamins and medication
• Safe water transport through double pipe cross-section and additional pump
• Drinking lines up to 120 m long, with front or middle feed point

Basic Structure and Function
For alternative layer houses
For alternative layer houses like:
- Aviary system
- Barn system with several tiers
- Free range system with several tiers
- Ecological production system with several tiers
The Drinking-Systems for the alternative systems for layers with several tiers do not differ in principle of the Drinking-Systems for a one tier system.
These Drinking-Systems are not comparable with those for the cages or the enriched cages!
Under possible uneven distribution of the animals in this system, different values for the birds/nipple must be used. Also with the drinking line length at increased number of nipples other data must be considered. To determine the necessary number of the drinking lines with the maximum lengths and the necessary number of nipples we need the following data: Management type, Number of tiers, Number of birds, House length, House width, Usable area.
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Water Supply
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Climate Systems
Cooling, Humidifying,
Dust binding

Automatic Flushing System
For upto 10 drinking lines